authors are vetted experts in their fields and write on topics in which they have demonstrated experience. All of our content is peer reviewed and validated by Toptal experts in the same field.
Demir Selmanovic
Verified Expert in Engineering
24 Years of Experience

Demir is a developer and project manager with over 15 years of professional experience in a wide range of software development roles.


“某种神秘的东西形成了,在寂静的虚空中诞生. Waiting alone and unmoving, it is at still, yet in constant motion…”

Truly, two of the greatest events in human history just took place one after another:

The first event is a great step for mankind, and the latter is even greater for Microsoft!

罗塞塔号将在历史书上占有一席之地, 而且会像我们记忆一样被铭记 Laika. 它经过了十年的精心设想和规划, 将人类向前推进了一步, and showed that technology developed a decade ago can still do amazing things.

第二件事让很多人感到意外. 它没有做很多广告宣传, and I’m sure that every detail of its announcement was not planned a decade ago; but it was obvious that Microsoft took this route some time ago, and .. NET核心并不是他们推动开源的第一件事。Roslyn).

Is .NET open source? 最后是跨平台 .NET,我们一直在等待.

那么,人类真的需要在彗星上安装探测器吗? 也许不是,但它落地了真是太棒了! 微软需要顿悟才能开始开源吗 .NET core? Yes! 他们十多年前就需要了!

What changed in one of the greatest software development companies in the world? 是什么让他们走上了这条路 OSI?

According to .. NET Framework博客,这有两个原因:

  • 为跨平台奠定基础 .NET
  • 建立和利用一个更强大的生态系统

But why would Microsoft want to help developers build cross-platform .NET software? 这违背了他们之前所做的一切. Microsoft has been pushing their own infrastructure systems for years. Linux and Mac were enemies that needed to be defeated, not allies. 这是怎么回事?

Whatever their real motivation is, developers are getting the best out of this. 我要感谢微软迈出了这一步. 迟做总比不做好!

The long-term impact of open-sourcing Microsoft technology will be enormous. 真正的跨平台 .NET will have a direct impact on hosting, licensing and maintenance cost. 这将简化销售 .NET应用程序的改进幅度之大,我甚至无法想象.

在我的职业生涯中,我花了很多时间写代码. 我的初恋是 Borland Pascal, and “Blue Screen” was something I was looking at with a great deal of respect back then. I’ve used a variety of development platforms and languages afterward, 但说实话——自从微软发布了 .NET, Visual Studio is the best development environment available today. It is a one-stop shop for everything a single developer or team might need to build any type of application. 它与……的伟大特征密切相关 .NET compilers, and every new version of Visual Studio looks like a product that could not be extended more; however, Microsoft succeeds to surprise continually by bringing in cool new features with every new version of Visual Studio.

创建软件是一个伟大的过程, 让我遇到的每个开发者都觉得自己很有创意, inventive, and fulfilled. 但是你是否尝试过销售,或者支持销售流程? I’m not sure that every sales person can say the same as software developers for their part of the equation. Selling for a software development company is hideous - you have to worry about many factors that have nothing to do with the actual software development. People working in the sales department have to prove/convince clients that the product/service being sold is the best clients can get for the price to be paid; therefore, cutting the cost of software development and maintenance is always crucial. 现实世界永远不会停止计算价值vs. cost.

另一方面,创办一家公司从来没有这么容易过. 如果你有好主意, it’s not too difficult to raise funds to create “something” (latest name for “something” is Minimal Viable Product, 但这可能会在未来更新), 向世界展示“一些东西”, 获得一些积极的反馈, get more funding, 如此重复,直到你开始赚钱, 卖掉你的公司, or fail.

削减软件产品成本的最简单方法是什么? Well, 开发是需要付出代价的, and in most cases you will just pay the hourly rate of your developers, regardless of the development platform they are using; so the simplest way to cut cost is to deploy your software on an environment that does not require additional licensing. 这就是微软一次又一次失败的地方! We could have heated debates about performance, software quality, scalability, etc.,但很容易看出 .NET platform can easily cope with any technical challenge thrown at it. In many cases, I believe it shows its superiority over other platforms; but I don’t often win debates about deployment and infrastructure licensing.

The market started pushing developers away from the Microsoft development platform, and yes, 我就是其中一名开发者. I adopted Node.Js作为主要后端平台, regardless of the fact that it is still not mature enough to cope with everything I need. I love WebStorm and I appreciate the great work JetBrains did on it, but I loved Visual Studio 2013 even more. 是的,我知道我可以写Node.js apps in VS! But when you are pushed from C# to JavaScript, from SQL Server to PostgreSQL, from IIS 为什么要使用基于Windows的pc机呢?

甚至在此之前,我就是一个真正的微软布道者 .NET出来了,当然更早 .NET是开源和跨平台的. 但当他们在Skype上拿走我们的手指时,这一切都消失了. 我一直喜欢为Windows平台开发应用程序. I’ve spent a lot of time learning tips and tricks of the trade, and I believe I was very good at it. However, the software development market changed a lot in the past decade. Startups are blooming everywhere and every new client is looking for the most cost effective solution. Microsoft failed to keep up the pace with this new market, and I’m just one of many 微软开发人员 谁把他的Windows笔记本电脑换成了MacBook. Microsoft has finally realized that giving us the option to deploy our applications to open-source platforms will keep huge 微软开发 Communities using their tools, 并最终为他们带来更多的客户.

微软向大变革迈出了一小步, and they have the best development tools and a great development community. What would happen if we received an open-source OS on top of a great IDE? "连我都不敢计算几率".

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Demir Selmanovic

Demir Selmanovic

Verified Expert in Engineering
24 Years of Experience

Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina


About the author

Demir is a developer and project manager with over 15 years of professional experience in a wide range of software development roles.

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